Coach led online Zwift sessions

Start your weekend off on the right foot.

Join us every Friday morning at 6:30 am for a coached-led turbo session. You can utilize your preferred apps along with following the coach in Discord.

By making this purchase, you will be provided access to all sessions for the upcoming month.

Upon receipt of confirmed payment, the Discord ID for your personal use will be sent via email.

£10 per month

Session run from October - March

From the start of October 2022 we will be offering coach-led turbo sessions for the off-season.

Think 'spin class' but without leaving the comfort of your own home. These sessions will be targeted specifically at triathletes looking to gain, and maintain fitness in the off-season. What with the British weather being somewhat unpredictable in the autumn and winter, at least you can guarantee getting in one solid bike session each week.

By delivering these sessions through discord it doesn't matter if you have a smart turbo hooked up to the latest gadgets or rollers strategically placed to provide you a safe start. Ie not falling off :)  So feel free to use, zwift, trainer road, full gaz, or any other applications you prefer, all are welcome.

Anyone wishing to take part in this exercise and fitness session – whether live or pre-recorded instructional video – must adhere to the following terms:

Anyone taking part in Pyramid Coaching Turbo sessions does so at their own risk.

 Ebony Fennell trading as Pyramid Coaching does not accept any responsibility for any individual or group of individuals, who may be participating in the Turbo sessions.

To take part in Pyramid Coaching Turbo sessions, you must be in good physical health. If you’ve been told on health or medical grounds that you should not take part in physical activity and sport, then you won’t be able to join in with this exercise and fitness session.

To perform this activity in a safe way, you must make sure that the area you use is suitable.

 The area must be:

 ·       a flat surface

·       clear of any obstacles

·       spacious enough for the type of activity

By taking part in this exercise and fitness session – whether live or pre-recorded instructional video – you agree to the above terms and conditions.