Ironman Finland Kuopio Tahko Race Report

A true destination race.


Two years in the making after a deferral from 2021. First of all, I would like to thank my coach Ebony Fennell of Pyramid Coaching for getting me to the Finnish line. We had a few setbacks in this year’s training compared to last year but we re-evaluated performance goals and executed it well on the day.


I found the whole experience unusual, I’ve never had to check into a race two days prior and then have to rack my bike and all of my bike and run gear the day before. However, it was great just turning up on race day ready to swim.


With Finland being two hours ahead of the UK, the 3.30 am alarm clock, although already ridiculously early felt worse as my body was still running on UK time. Making it feel like a 1.30 am wake-up.


Ironman Finland Kuopio-Tahko as it is named is not how it seems, as I booked accommodation in Kuopio and the race was in Takho, a 62k (1hour) drive, which gives context to why the alarm was set so early.


The swim was absolutely beautiful, it was like glass and a nice 19 degrees, I had clear water from the get go. Although my aim was a hopeful sub hour, I was conscious that going out too hard could be a detriment to the rest of the Ironman, so I paced and ended up with with a 1:01:09 which now makes me wish I had kicked on slightly more after going through the bridge, if nothing else but to dip under the hour and shake off the train that was drafting me. 


The bike is aptly named rolling and it was definitely up and down with no real reprieve. I would recommend this race purely for the views which were spectacular through forests and past the many lakes of Takho. The smooth as silk roads were nothing like I’d ever seen in the UK, it made the TT position a lot easier to hold as I wasn’t dodging potholes. I was pleased with my bike time considering the elevation. 


The run was a hilly beast, the Hoka Hill featured 5 times and was a great place to walk recover and take on nutrition. I found my performance on the run disappointing. Although I felt like I had my target pace in my legs. My stomach had other ideas, which made it hard to stay in a rhythm. 


The support on course was fantastic which was surprising as it was only the second time the Ironman has taken place in Finland and I wasn’t expecting there to be as many people out cheering. One last shout out to my amazing partner in crime who almost walked a marathon on the day getting footage of my miserable, I mean focused and determined face. 


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